Home > Explore News > Predictions differ about size of 2012 'dead zone' in Gulf of Mexico | NOLA.com

Predictions differ about size of 2012 'dead zone' in Gulf of Mexico | NOLA.com

Published on: 06/22/2012
Region(s) of Study: Waterbodies / Gulf of Mexico

Two Gulf of Mexico 'dead zone' forecasts released Thursday could hardly be more staggeringly different. The wide range of the dead zone's size in the forecases is due to scientists' use of two different forecast models, and the eventual size of the zone this year could help the scientific community understand which model works best.

One group of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration-supported scientists suggests the Gulf dead zone will be 1,197 square miles - the second-smallest Gulf dead zone on record. But another group, also supported by NOAA, predicts the 2012 dead zone will be 6,213 square miles.

via Predictions differ about size of 2012 'dead zone' in Gulf of Mexico | NOLA.com.

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