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Regional Ecosystem Research Program Announces FY21 Federal Funding Opportunity

Published on: 09/30/2020
Region(s) of Study: U.S. States and Territories
Primary Contact(s): kimberly.puglise@noaa.gov

The NCCOS Competitive Research Program, in cooperation with NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries and National Marine Protected Areas Center, is pleased to announce its Fiscal Year 2021 Federal Funding Opportunity (FFO) for the Regional Ecosystem Research (RER) Program.

Caption: Strawberry anemone covered reef crest and juvenile rockfish. Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary (CBNMS). Photo Credit: Joe Hoyt, NOAA CBNMS

Marine protected areas (MPAs) have been used as one of the main tools to protect significant natural and cultural resources within the marine environment for the benefit of present and future generations. While the use of MPAs and MPA networks as resource management tools has grown significantly in recent decades, there is still substantial scientific investigation needed to improve MPA stewardship and effectiveness.

The RER Program is soliciting proposals to understand species’ habitat usage and connectivity in and around MPAs. This information will be used to improve the ability of resource managers to address habitat connectivity, species’ habitat affinities, and spatial and temporal usage of habitats in management plans for MPAs. NCCOS expects to fund two projects for up to three to four years in duration, with an approximate annual budget for each project up to $500,000, not to exceed $2,000,000 per project.

The deadline for full applications is January 14, 2021 at 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time.

View the full FFO here.

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