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Scourge of the Lionfish - NYTimes.com

Published on: 08/22/2012

About 20 years ago, one of the world's most beautiful and otherworldly fish, the red lionfish, started showing up in south Florida and the Caribbean. Now, they're a plague. Millions of them live from northeastern South America to New York, from water you can stand in down to depths of a thousand feet.

In a world where the main concern about fish is overfishing, and the main demand on fish is to feed an increasingly hungry human-dominated world, it may see odd to complain about abundance. But theirs is an abundance that produces widespread scarcity. That's because invaders from afar often crowd out or gobble a wide array of desirable natives. And as an invading saltwater fish - the lion is king.

via Scourge of the Lionfish - NYTimes.com.

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