We’re hiring Facility Operations Specialists in Seldovia, AK (1), Oxford, MD (1), and Charleston, SC (3).

U.S. Harmful Algae Symposium to Facilitate Technology Transfer and Education

The only regular national harmful algal bloom forum and critical exchange for scientificand technical communication on all aspects of HAB researchwill be held in Sarasota, FL, from October 27 -31, 2013. In addition to researchers, the symposium also includes key managers of harmful algae issues at the state and federal level which identifies opportunities to transition research into application as well as future needs.

Funding from the National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science enables students, post-docs, and state managers to attend the symposium, ensuring diverse representation important to strengthen national and state efforts to reduce or eliminate algal bloom impacts. The symposium organizer Mote Marine Laboratory is accepting abstractsuntil May 24, 2013.

The NOAA National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) is sponsoring this 7th Symposium on Harmful Algae in the United States.