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Bioeffects Program Reports: Kachemak Bay, Alaska

The Bioeffects program is a nationwide program of environmental assessment and related research designed to describe the current status of environmental quality in our nation's estuarine and coastal areas. Over ...

Developing Spatial Products for the Kachemak Bay H...

We are developing a web-based, mapping application that will provide the public access to geospatial products for the shoreline, intertidal, and subtidal areas of Kachemak Bay, Alaska. The application will ...

Mapping the Benthic Habitat Resources of Kachemak ...

There are no subtidal benthic habitat maps of Kachemak Bay, Alaska, to support essential fish habitat and place-based management needs. In response, we are developing benthic habitat maps for the ...


Now Available: Story Map Highlights Products from ...

Results and products from NCCOS’s Kachemak Bay ecological assessment have generated new seafloor habitat maps and geospatial data viewers, developed “state of the bay” reports and made geospatial data more ...


Maps, Tools & Applications

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NOAA Internship Opportunities

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