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New Report Evaluates Benefits of Using Dredged Sed...

Mordecai Island, NJ and the developed shoreline looking south. The study area is in the center of the picture. Credit R. Giannelli, NOAA NCCOS. NCCOS scientists have released the results ...

Brucellosis in Stranded SC Bottlenose Dolphins Coi...

NCCOS tested 282 stranded dolphins in South Carolina for brucellosis, caused by the bacterial pathogen Brucella ceti. Nearly 32% tested positive. Results show that Brucella ceti was detected in a higher ...

New Report Characterizes Offshore, Soft-bottom Hab...

NCCOS scientists completed a study of the soft-bottom habitats in offshore areas of the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS). While FKNMS is known for its coral reefs and extensive ...

What Matters in a Marsh?

Study area and location of the Grand Bay estuary (b) and Weeks Bay estuary (c) in the NGOM as well as two synthetic storm tracks (a) used to consider storm ...

New Study Finds Florida's Guana Tolomato Matanzas ...

NCCOS researchers prepare to lower a grab sampler to collect benthic (bottom) sediments for analysis of physical properties, chemical contaminant levels, and enumeration of benthic fauna. Credit: C. Cooksey, NOAA ...

Study Assesses Ecological Conditions in Gray's Ree...

A new report from NOAA's National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) describes ecological conditions and stressors in sediments and biota in Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary (GRNMS), located off ...

Low Levels of Chemical Contaminants Found in Sedim...

Researchers identified areas with low dissolved oxygen (DO) levels resulting in unhealthy benthic communities shown here in red, orange, and yellow. A new report is available summarizing the findings of ...

Research Reserve Study Reveals Signs of Chemical C...

Scientists have discovered evidence that contaminants from a Superfund site have made their way into samples collected in the Sapelo Island National Estuarine Research Reserve, 25 miles away. The researchers, ...


Maps, Tools & Applications

The NOAA National Benthic Inventory (NBI), is a dynamic quantitative database and associated website describing the occurrence and abundance of benthic species collected in studies conducted by NOAA and partnering institutions in estuarine and coastal-ocean areas of the United States.
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Data & Publications

A comparison of seafloor habitats and associated benthic fauna in areas open and closed to bottom trawling along the central California continental shelf

A number of studies have shown that mobile, bottom-contact fishing gear (such as otter trawls) can alter seafloor habitats and associated biota. Considerably less is known about the recovery of these resources following such disturbances, though this information is critical ...

An integrated assessment of habitat quality of national estuarine research reserves in the southeastern United States

Multiple indicators of water quality, sediment quality, and biological condition were used to assess the status of ecological condition of National Estuarine Research Reserve System (NERRS) sites in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia relative to a suite of corresponding ...

Assessment of Ecological Condition and Potential Stressor Impacts in Offshore Areas of Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary

In June 2015, the NOAA National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science conducted an assessment of the status of ecological condition of unconsolidated, soft-bottom habitat and overlying waters at 30 sites from 11 – 99 m depth in targeted shelf areas ...

Characterization of Toxic Impacts on Living Marine Resources in Tidal Rivers of the Chesapeake Bay

In 1999, the Chesapeake Bay Program completed a survey of existing data on chemical contaminants and the potential for bioeffects in 38 tidal river systems of Chesapeake Bay. This review led to the identification of 20 areas for which there ...

Correlation and Prediction of Land-Based Pollution Impacts on Sediment Contaminant Concentrations within National Estuarine Research Reserves of the Southeastern US and Selected Chesapeake Bay Watersheds

OpenNSPECT is a raster-based GIS model that estimates runoff, pollution and erosion in a GIS setting. NOAA’s National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) has conducted a series of regional ecological assessments throughout many estuarine and coastal shelf areas of ...

Cruise report : assessment of ecological condition and stressor impacts within Great Lakes region areas of concern (AOCs) : Ashtabula River and Milwaukee estuary

This cruise report is a summary of a field survey conducted within two Great Lakes Region Areas of Concern (AOCs), Ashtabula River and Milwaukee Estuary, August 18 – 25, 2012. Synoptic sampling of multiple ecological indicators was conducted in the ...

Cruise report: Regional assessment of ecosystem condition and stressor impacts along the northeastern Gulf of Mexico shelf

This cruise report is a summary of a field survey conducted along the continental shelf of the northeastern Gulf of Mexico (GOM), encompassing 70,062 square kilometers of productive marine habitats located between the Mississippi Delta and Tampa Bay, August 13 ...

Cruise report: Regional assessment of ecosystem condition and stressor impacts along the northwestern Gulf of Mexico shelf

The overall purpose of the survey was to collect data to assess the status of ecosystem condition and potential stressor impacts throughout the region, based on these various indicators and corresponding management thresholds, and to provide this information as a ...

Cruise Report: Spring 2006 Survey of Ecological Conditions of the U.S. Middle Atlantic Bight, NOAA Ship Nancy Foster NF-06-06-NCCOS

This cruise report is a summary of a field survey conducted in coastal-ocean waters of the Mid-Atlantic Bight from Nags Head, North Carolina to Cape Cod, Massachusetts and from approximately 1 nautical mile (nm) of shore seaward to the shelf ...

Cruise report: Spring 2007 survey of ecological conditions along the continental shelf off Florida from Anclote Key to West Palm Beach, NOAA ship Nancy Foster Cruise NF-07-08-NCCOS (May 15 - May 28, 2007)

This cruise report is a summary of a field survey conducted in coastal-ocean waters off Florida from Anclote Key to West Palm Beach and from approximately 1 nautical mile (nm) offshore seaward to the shelf break (100 m). The survey ...

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