Home > Explore News > Gordon Research Conference Highlights NCCOS Expertise in Harmful Algae Research

Gordon Research Conference Highlights NCCOS Expertise in Harmful Algae Research

Published on: 06/28/2013
Primary Contact(s): quay.dortch@noaa.gov

At the June 16-21,Mycotoxins & Phycotoxins Gordon Research Conference,NCCOS-sponsored researchers and agency scientists led sessions, gave presentations, and provided expert discussions on algal and cyanobacterial blooms and their toxins that adversely affect humans and wildlife.

NCCOS's Dr. Quay Dortch co-chaired a session entitled 'Strategies and Regulation for Prevention and Control' that highlighted strategies and projects for HAB prevention, control and management.

The Gordon Research Conferences provide an international forum for academic, governmental and industrial scientists to exchange ideas, identify new research opportunities and initiate cross-disciplinary collaborations.For more information, contact Quay.Dortch@noaa.gov.

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