Home > Explore News > International Aquaculture Expert Assists NCCOS in Developing New Coastal Planning Tools for Shellfish Aquaculture

International Aquaculture Expert Assists NCCOS in Developing New Coastal Planning Tools for Shellfish Aquaculture

Published on: 08/09/2013
Research Area(s): Other Topics

On July 16, 2013, NCCOS staff met with New University, Lisban, Portugal, to discuss development of models for siting of shellfish aquaculture and restoration along the U.S. East Coast. The role of shellfishaquaculture and restoration in mitigating phytoplankton over-growth, known as "eutrophication," in Core Sound, NC; Puget Sound; Long Island Sound; Great Bay Piscataqua; and other water bodies is being assessed. The model uses an ecoystem modeling approach that integrates local and system scale ecological processes and includes economic analysisof the potential for additional income through an 'avoided cost' analysis in locations where nutrient trading programs exist or are being considered. These studies will help provide a basis for legislation that will promote expansion of sustainable aquaculture on a national basis and the determination of the role of aquaculture in nutrient trading programs.
For more information: Suzanne.Bricker@noaa.gov and James.Morris@noaa.gov

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