Home > Explore News > NCCOS Considers Implications of Harmful Algal Bloom Mitigation

NCCOS Considers Implications of Harmful Algal Bloom Mitigation

Published on: 10/27/2014
Region(s) of Study: Waterbodies
Primary Contact(s): david.kidwell@noaa.gov

NCCOS Program Manager David Kidwell wasthe invited speaker at the North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES) October 2014 Annual Meeting special workshop session on novel approaches to mitigate HABs. Kidwell's talk, 'Can harmful algal bloom mitigation make the problem worse? Complying with United States environmental laws to advance HAB control and mitigation research' (published in the newsletter PICES Press) draws upon his expertise ensuring sponsored research under the NCCOS PCMHAB Program complies with the U. S. National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) mandates.

Image ctedit: North Pacific Marine Science Organization

Image credit: North Pacific Marine Science Organization

Participants in this session discussed novel physical, chemical, and biological control strategies and research paths that have potential for minimizing or eliminating HAB effects without significant coincident impacts on ecosystem health. For example, HAB mitigation options are limited to clay dispersal in Korean waters as the only operational program for mitigating HAB effects on coastal aquaculture operations. This method has the negative side-effect of covering the local benthic communities with sedimentation, which is unacceptable in many nations, leaving them with few if any mitigation strategies.

Other invited speakers included Phillip Levin (NWFSC) on defining tipping points as ecological indicators of multiple stressors in coastal and marine ecosystem, Richard Feely (PMEL) on recent assessments of climate change impacts on marine ecosystems, and Vera Trainer (NWFSC) on the PICES/Japan Ministry of Agriculture Forestry & Fisheries Marine Ecosystem Health and Human Well Being project.

For more information, contact David.Kidwell@noaa.gov.

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