At two recent meetings in Annapolis ( Shellfish Aquaculture Conference April 8 and Chesapeake Bay Program April 9-10, 2013), NCCOS' researchers gave presentations on work within Long Island Sound and Great Bay Piscataqua Estuaries, with a description of the Farm Aquaculture Resource Management (FARM; ) model which helps to assess shellfish aquaculture's removal of particles and phytoplanton, and thus nitrogen, from the water column.
They also discussed the expansion of local scale aquaculture production and nutrient removal by the use of the high resolution System Wide Eutrophication Model (SWEM) and EcoWin2000 model.This topic is of great interest given the recent legislation designed to promote expansion of aquaculture activities to support greater seafood product and the nutrient credit trading program that is under development in the Chesapeake region.
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