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NCCOS Scientist to Advise Shellfish Sanitation Experts on Harmful Algae Lab Methods

The National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science’s (NCCOS) Dr. Quay Dortch will jointhe Interstate Shellfish Sanitation Conference (ISSC) as an expert advisor. Dr. Dortch’s advice and expertise will contribute to one of the most technical and specialized areas of shellfish sanitation, that of laboratory methods for detecting and testing harmful algal toxins and their syndromes.

The Interstate Shellfish Sanitation Conference is the nation's leading private organization promoting and enhancing shellfish sanitation for consumer confidence and safety. (Credit ISSC)
The Interstate Shellfish Sanitation Conference is the nation’s leading private organization promoting and enhancing shellfish sanitation for consumer confidence and safety. (Credit ISSC)

The success of the shellfish industry depends on maintaining public confidence in safe and edible shellfish. The ISSC fosters and promotes shellfish sanitation through the cooperation of state and federal control agencies, the shellfish industry, and the academic community. The ISSC maintains an active review process on all aspects of the shellfish industry, from cultivation to consumption.

As a member of the ISCC’s Laboratory Methods Review and Quality Assurance Committee, Dr. Dortchwill review new and existing shellfish toxin testing techniques–approving, disapproving or recommending further testing to maintain accurate and precise testing methods. The appointment offersan opportunity to publicize NCCOS research and help NCCOS identify priorities and approaches for future research needs regarding harmful algal blooms, whose toxins are responsible for contaminating shellfish leading to paralytic shellfish poisoning.

Earlier in 2014, Dr. Dortch was a featured speaker at the 66th ISSC at a session devoted to harmful algal blooms and their impacts on shellfish safety and shellfish production.

For more information, contact Quay.Dortch@noaa.gov.