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New Citizen Science Water Level Application Available Nationwide

Published on: 02/22/2018
Research Area(s): Coastal Change

citizen science application to report water levels is available online, anyone can submit a water level report from their mobile device. This application collects photographs and associated GPS locations of water levels. For example, elevated water levels, such as those from King Tide events, are entered into the application to help communicate and visualize future sea level conditions. Also, flooding or other elevated water level impacts from storm events, such as hurricanes and inland floods, can be reported. These reports will be used by weather forecast offices to help communicate impacts and potential risk for future storm events and are incorporated into the Inundation Dashboard from NOAA’s Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS). This application is available worldwide online and was developed by NOAA's National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science.

Contacts: Christine.Addison@noaa.gov and David.Kidwell@noaa.gov

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