Home > Explore News > Scientists hope transplants will revive coral reef - South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com

Scientists hope transplants will revive coral reef - South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com

Published on: 02/28/2012
Region(s) of Study: U.S. States and Territories / Florida

Marine scientists on Friday plan to begin transplanting about 100 basketball-size corals from an onshore nursery to a damaged reef off the shores of Fort Lauderdale.

The transplant, among the first of its kind, will be closely watched to determine whether corals that grow quickly in tanks on land can be used to restore severely depleted reefs that line the coast from the Florida Keys through Palm Beach County.

Scientists and federal officials hope such transplants will help save the reefs - and a wide array of marine life in Florida and elsewhere - from disease, global warming, ship traffic, pollution and potential oil spills.

via Scientists hope transplants will revive coral reef - South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com.

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