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Sensitivity of California Current Species to Ocean...

The waters along the west coast of North America are some of the most biologically productive in the world. Cool water from high latitudes flows southward from the edge of ...

NOAA Student Scholars Present Summer Research With...

Ten student undergraduate scholars, most with the NOAA Educational Partnership Program and Hollings Scholarship Program, are interning this summer with the National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) in Silver Spring, ...

Dolphin Entanglements Follow Historic 1,000 Year R...

NCCOS staff successfully cut a crab pot buoy line from an entangled dolphin in Charleston Harbor on October 13, 2015. Credit: NOAA. From October 1 through October 5, 2015 South ...

Upwelling Controls HAB Movement toward Pacific NW ...

This graphic shows how displaced surface waters are replaced by cold, nutrient-rich water that “wells up” from below. Conditions are optimal for upwelling along the coast when winds blow along ...

Tenacity of Brown Tides Linked to Genetic Flexibil...

The genetic flexibility of Aureococcus anophagefferens, the harmful alga responsible for "brown tides" off Long Island, allows it to thrive in conditions other algae cannot tolerate. NCCOS-sponsored scientists assessed this ...

Assessing Invasive Asian Carp's Potential to Sprea...

Invasive Asian carp have established themselves in many lakes and river systems in the upper mid-West. Once established, they have wreaked havoc on existing food chains. Some of these invasive ...

NCCOS Toxin Detection Technologies Officially Tran...

Regulatory scientists from Nicaragua, Costa Rica, El Salvador and Columbia, candidates for reference laboratories, completed two weeks of formal training for high throughput detection of toxins responsible for paralytic shellfish ...

NOAA Scientist Inducted as American Association fo...

NOAA scientist Dr. Bill Sundawas elected as a AAAS Fellow in November2011, and is tobe inducted February 18, 2012. Dr. Sunda is being honored for his pioneering research ontrace metal ...

Washington State Researcher Updates Partners with ...

Dr. Barbara Hickey of the University of Washington recently presented the current status of their harmful algal bloom (HAB) modeling efforts to state, tribal, and federal agency partners with the ...


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