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Assessment of Hurricane Impacts to Coral Reefs in ...

In 2017, major hurricanes impacted coral reefs in both Florida and Puerto Rico. We quantified these impacts using diver-based surveys, and our information was used to guide targeted emergency stabilization ...

Coral Restoration: Developing Scientific Guidance ...

As coral restoration efforts continue to increase in size and number, there is an overwhelming need for information for scientific input into restoration spatial planning and siting, defining restoration success, ...

Developing and Scaling Up Emerging Image-based Tec...

Mission: Iconic Reefs in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS) is the largest coral restoration project in the U.S. to date. Evaluation of the success of large-scale, long-term restoration ...

Evaluating Nature-Based Solution Performance

We are evaluating the performance of three types of nature-based solutions: oyster reefs, coral reefs, and wetlands created from dredged sediments. We will examine project sites five or more years ...

Evaluation of Coral Reef Restoration Success at Mi...

Diver James Emm (FKNMS-FIU) collects photographs of Eastern Dry Rocks reef near Key West, Florida, as part of a joint FKNMS-NCCOS field mission. The area will be restored as part ...

Evidence on the Use of Engineered Structures for C...

Amid global declines in coral reefs, restoration practitioners and managers are increasingly considering incorporating engineered structures in restoration. However, information on how engineered structures have been used in coral restoration ...

Recovery Horizon Projections for Ship Groundings o...

Ship groundings cause extensive physical destruction to coral reefs, and subsequent recovery can be complicated and prolonged. In this project, we specifically address how coral recruitment and survival interact with ...

Spatial Predictive Modeling of Threatened ESA Cora...

We are using predictive mapping to predict Threatened coral species distributions in the U.S. Atlantic and Caribbean and provide interactive maps of predicted distributions. Outputs are data-driven spatial predictions of ...

Threatened Resources: Bank Systems of the Florida ...

We undertook an ecological assessment of bank systems in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS) to determine what will be lost if these systems continue to be degraded by ...


New Report Summarizes National Coral Reef Monitori...

Summary statistics for the 2020-2021 sampling completed in Florida. A report released in October 2022 describes the status and trends of Florida's coral reef ecosystem using data from the National ...

Researchers Estimate Flood Protection Benefits of ...

Divers cache coral fragments for emergency stabilization in Puerto Rico. Credit: NOAA. In 2017, coral reefs buffered Florida and Puerto Rico from Hurricanes Irma and Maria, but were severely damaged ...

New Publication Shows Distribution of Threatened C...

A new modeling study by NOAA scientists and others at University of the Virgin Islands and Louisiana State University predicts the distribution of Orbicella corals in shallow and mesophotic reef ...

Coral Assessment and Restoration Results Released ...

In September 2017, major hurricanes Irma and Maria impacted Puerto Rico (PR) and the U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI) and caused considerable damage to shallow coral reefs. A newly released NOAA ...

New Report Evaluates Health of U.S. Coral Reefs

Cover page of Coral Reef Condition: A Status Report for U.S. Coral Reefs. Credit NOAA. NCCOS scientists contributed to the newly released national status report on U.S. coral reefs. Drawing ...

NOAA Intervention Strategy Seeks to Stem Loss of U...

NOAA Action Plan on Coral Intervention. Credit: NOAA. Rapidly deteriorating environmental conditions are threatening coral reefs worldwide, leading to a re-evaluation of long-standing conservation strategies. In response to recommendations from ...

NOAA Supports Development of a Universal Guide for...

As coral reefs continue to degrade globally, there is an increasing need for preservation and restoration of these valuable coastal resources. As coral restoration efforts continue to increase and scale ...

New Research Shows Potential Impacts of Climate Ch...

Elkhorn coral (Acropora palmata). Credit: Lee Richter, National Park Service. A new modeling study by NOAA scientists predicts the future geographic range and population structure of threatened elkhorn coral (Acropora palmata) ...

NCCOS Supports 20-year Plan to Restore Seven Coral...

In collaboration with state and local partners, NOAA has announced a bold strategy to restore and preserve seven coral reef sites in the Florida Keys, part of an unprecedented, decades-long ...


Maps, Tools & Applications

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Data & Publications

2012 Data Summary for the First Island-wide Fish and Coral Assessment in Shallow (1-100') Hardbottom Habitats of St. Croix, USVI

A collaborative research effort between the NOAA’s National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS), Center for Coastal Monitoring and Assessment’s (CCMA) Biogeography Branch (BB) and the National Park Service South Florida and Caribbean Network (NPS-SFCN) has been inventorying and assessing ...

Benthic habitat mapping and assessment in the Wilmington-East Wind Energy Call Area: final report

The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) is responsible for oversight and management of the development of energy resources on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). In 2012, BOEM identified three Wind Energy Call Areas and later defined Wind Energy Areas ...

Coral reef restoration monitoring guide: Methods to evaluate restoration success from local to ecosystem scales

This Guide should be used to measure and describe the progress of coral restoration projects towards meeting restoration goals. The CRC Monitoring Working Group has also developed a Coral Restoration Database and Evaluation Tool to be complementary to this Guide ...

Development of Benthic and Fish Monitoring Protocols for the Atlantic/Caribbean Biological Team: National Coral Reef Monitoring Program

NOAA’s Coral Reef Conservation Program is developing a national monitoring plan for all coral reefs under the US jurisdiction – including Pacific, Atlantic, Gulf and Caribbean. This National Coral Reef Monitoring Plan (NCRMP) builds upon a decade of work supported ...

National Coral Reef Monitoring Program, Biological Monitoring Atlantic/Caribbean: St. Thomas and St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands 2013 Mission Data Report

The National Coral Reef Monitoring Program (NCRMP) is a strategic plan developed by NOAAs Coral Reef Conservation Program (CRCP) to monitor all U.S. coral reef ecosystems with standardized methodologies (http://www.coris.noaa.gov/monitoring/). The primary monitoring objectives include: Develop consistent survey designs, field ...

National Coral Reef Monitoring Program: Assessment of fish and coral reef communities in Puerto Rico from 2014-05-19 to 2014-12-03 (NCEI Accession 0131260)

The National Coral Reef Monitoring Plan (NCRMP) is a framework for conducting sustained observations of biological, climate, and socioeconomic indicators at 10 priority coral reefs across the U.S. and its territories. This integrated approach will consolidate monitoring of coral reefs ...

NCCOS Assessment: Coral Disturbance Response Monitoring (DRM) along the Florida Reef Tract following Hurricane Irma from 2017-10-09 to 2017-10-18 (NCEI Accession 0179071)

This data set contains both coral demographic data and roving diver surveys conducted on October 9 - 18, 2017 to assess the impacts of Hurricane Irma on sections of the Florida Reef Tract. A total of 57 sites were completed, ...

NCCOS Mapping: Seafloor Mapping Products for the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary from 2004-01-01 to 2016-12-31 (NCEI Accession 0170215)

This dataset is an inventory of seafloor mapping data from hydrographic multibeam sonar surveys and georeferenced benthic photographs and video clips, all collected in and around the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS). The multibeam data sets contain both bathymetric ...

NOAA RESTORE Science Program: Evaluation of Gulf of Mexico oceanographic observation networks, impact assessment on ecosystem management and recommendations: Spatio-Temporal Ecosystem Modeling (NCEI Accession 0205678)

This dataset includes outputs from an ecosystem model, which is a tool for regional science managers to explore marine spatial planning scenarios in the context of static and dynamic environmental covariates. The dataset includes predicted fish biomass from the Ecopath ...

Ongoing Monitoring of Tortugas Ecological Reserve: Assessing the Consequences of Reserve Designation

Purports to develop a multiscale model to measure "the refuge effect" of a marine reserve by analyzing conditions in a relatively pristine marine reserve to compare with less pristine nearby marine park environments. Uses the Tortugas Ecological Reserve within Dry ...

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