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Application of Quantitative Molecular Methods to C...

This project supports development for two lab-based quantitative molecular methods for more rapid, accurate detection of Alexandrium catenella resting cysts in sediment from the Gulf of Maine, Puget Sound, and ...

Aquaculture Mapping Atlas and FARM Model

We are integrating two tools commonly used to plan for and site aquaculture: the Farm Aquaculture Resource Management (FARM) Model and the Connecticut Aquaculture Mapping Atlas. This improved tool will ...

Are Growth and Toxicity of the Dinoflagellate Alex...

Blooms of Alexandrium fundyense result in economic losses to fisheries, aquaculture, and pose public health risks. Typically, A. fundyense growth and toxicity are seen as dependent on light, temperature, and ...

Bioeffects Program Reports: Mid/North Atlantic Reg...

The Bioeffects program is a nationwide program of environmental assessment designed to describe the current status of environmental quality in our nation's estuarine and coastal areas. Field studies examine the ...

Developing a Northeast Regional Model of Ocean and...

We will expand an existing regional model to include the carbonate chemistry that determines coastal acidification. The model will allow predictions and forecasts of acidification conditions to help in developing ...

EcoGIS: Tools for Ecosystem-based Fisheries Manage...

The EcoGIS project was launched to determine how geographic information systems (GIS) technology, marine data, and custom analysis tools could be leveraged to promote fishery management strategies based on the ...

Ecological Characterization of Stellwagen Bank Nat...

We provided an ecological and oceanographic profile of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary and Gulf of Maine region, including analysis of pollution levels. The project was designed to help ...


New Tool Available: Vibrio Harvest Calculator for ...

A new web-based, mapping tool available to growers, farmers, and managers in Long Island Sound will allow users to see how much Vibrio bacteria growth they might encounter when harvesting ...

New Story Map Highlights NCCOS Sustainable Oyster ...

Oyster farmer Al Smeilus provides information on oyster planting to researcher Dr. Beth Darrow and students Jessica Kinsella and Jessica Carlton on his farm in Masonboro Island NERR North Carolina ...

NOAA, Partners Develop Novel Approach to Shellfish...

Workers at Stella Mar Oysters sorting and harvesting oysters on Long Island Sound. Credit: Steve Schafer, Stella Mar Oysters. Shellfish biologists, economists, and modelers from NOAA’s National Centers for Coastal ...

Marine Shellfish Populations Estimated to be at Ri...

A new NCCOS-funded study shows that ocean acidification has the potential to harm wild populations of scallops and clams along the U.S. northeast coast. The rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide ...

NOAA, Partners Evaluate Nitrogen Removal Potential...

Processing field samples at the Greenwich Yacht Club in Greenwich, Connecticut. Project partners left to right: Dr. Julie Rose (NEFSC), Dr. Skylar Bayer (NEFSC), Dr. Suzanne Bricker (NCCOS), Dr. Alhambra ...

Toxicity of the Dinoflagellate Alexandrium Control...

A new study supported by NCCOS shows that the presence of zooplankton grazers dramatically increases toxin production in the marine dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella, a species notorious for its paralytic shellfish ...

Researchers Project Fate of Scallop Fishery Under ...

NCCOS-funded researchers have published a paper that describes possible futures of the New England scallop fishery under a suite of climate, economic, biological, and management scenarios. The study highlights the ...

NCCOS Joins NOAA Tribal Roundtable for Shinnecock ...

The Great Seal of the Shinnecock Indian Nation. (Credit Shinnecock Indian Nation) NCCOS and NOAA’s North Atlantic Regional Collaboration Team (NART) relayed the relevance of the agency’s work and mission ...

Hardwiring Hydrography: A Note from the Field

by Will Sautter - NCCOS Marine GIS Analyst (CSS Inc. Contractor) The R/V Pritchard, still docked, while the crew tries to get a 20 year old computer system to run ...

Collaboration with New Scholar and NOAA Ocean Acid...

Oyster aquaculture structures at Mook Sea Farm, Wapole, Maine. Credit: Mook Sea Farm This past month, NCCOS welcomed a new Hollings Scholar, Madison Uetrecht, who will study the effects of ...


Maps, Tools & Applications

NCCOS runs the Phytoplankton Monitoring Network (PMN) to link volunteers who monitor for marine phytoplankton and HABs in cooperation with professional scientists. We build a more informed public while expanding the reach and resolution of HAB monitoring. Over 200 PMN volunteers sample 140+ sites in 17 states and the US Virgin Islands.
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Data & Publications

An ecological characterization of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region: Oceanographic, biogeographic, and contaminants assessment

This ecological characterization represents the continuation of an ongoing partnership between the National Marine Sanctuary Program (NMSP) and the National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS), Center for Coastal Monitoring and Assessment (CCMA). The purpose of this collaboration is to ...

An ecosystem services assessment using bioextraction technologies for removal of nitrogen and other substances in Long Island Sound and the Great Bay/Piscataqua Region Estuaries

A State-Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Nutrient Innovations Task Group concluded in a 2009 report (State -- EPA Nutrient Innovations Task Group, 2009) that 'continuing the status quo at the national, state, and local levels and relying upon our current practices ...

Bathymetry and acoustic backscatter collected in Long Island Sound for the Phase I Long Island Sound Seafloor Mapping Project 2014 (NCEI Accession 0167946)

This dataset contains an integrated GeoTiff with 1x1 meter cell size representing the 2014 Long Island Sound Benthic Habitat Priority Area of Interest between Brigeport, CT and Port Jefferson, NY. This integrated bathymetric raster is a mosaic of surveys from ...

Bathymetry and acoustic backscatter data collected in Long Island Sound for the Phase III Long Island Sound Seafloor Mapping Project 2015 (NCEI Accession 0167532)

This dataset contains multibeam bathymetry, uncertainty, and backscatter GeoTiffs with 1x1 meter cell size represent water depth and acoustic intensity of the seafloor from the Phase III Long Island Sound Benthic Habitat Priority Areas of Interest in the Long Island ...

Bathymetry, acoustic backscatter, and LiDAR data collected in Long Island Sound for the Phase II Long Island Sound Seafloor Mapping Project 2015 (NCEI Accession 0167531)

This dataset contains multibeam bathymetry, uncertainty, and backscatter, and LiDAR bathymetry andreflectance. These GeoTiffs with 1x1 meter cell size represent water depth and acoustic intensity of the seafloor from the Phase II Long Island Sound Benthic Habitat Priority Areas of ...

Biological, chemical, and physical data from the Phytoplankton Monitoring Network from 13 Sep 2001 to 7 Mar 2013 (NODC Accession 0117942)

The Phytoplankton Monitoring Network (PMN) is a part of the National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS). The PMN was created as an outreach program to connect volunteers and professional scientists in the monitoring of marine phytoplankton and harmful algal ...

Cruise Report: Spring 2006 Survey of Ecological Conditions of the U.S. Middle Atlantic Bight, NOAA Ship Nancy Foster NF-06-06-NCCOS

This cruise report is a summary of a field survey conducted in coastal-ocean waters of the Mid-Atlantic Bight from Nags Head, North Carolina to Cape Cod, Massachusetts and from approximately 1 nautical mile (nm) of shore seaward to the shelf ...

Cruise report: Spring 2007 survey of ecological conditions along the continental shelf off Florida from Anclote Key to West Palm Beach, NOAA ship Nancy Foster Cruise NF-07-08-NCCOS (May 15 - May 28, 2007)

This cruise report is a summary of a field survey conducted in coastal-ocean waters off Florida from Anclote Key to West Palm Beach and from approximately 1 nautical mile (nm) offshore seaward to the shelf break (100 m). The survey ...

Ecological condition of coastal ocean waters along the U.S. Mid-Atlantic Bight: 2006

This document presents the results of an assessment of ecological condition and potential stressor impacts in coastal-ocean waters of the mid-Atlantic Bight (MAB), along the eastern U.S. continental shelf from Cape Cod, MA to Cape Hatteras, NC, based on sampling ...

Environmental toxicology data collected by the National Status and Trends Program for monitoring contaminants in coastal United States marine water bodies from 01 Jan 1960 to 05 May 2010 (NODC Accession 0074376)

The National Status and Trends Program is comprised of three nationwide programs: Benthic Surveillance, Mussel Watch, and Bioeffects. These programs are in place to observe estuarine and coastal waters nationwide to describe the current status and detect changes in the ...

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